Am 02. Mar, 2001 schwäzte Robert Leonard so: > Has anyone checked into GCC as a possible meeting place? IIRC they have a GCC is one of the locations I think we can get. Any other suggested locations are welcome! I want PLUG meetings whereever there is interest. > very active computer program, and this might be a good place to look into. > I live on the east side, so i'm happy with the current locations, as Hans > stated, you can get one anywhere "YOU" want, and you might even get some > assistance. Very true. At the organizing meeting on Thu I suggested getting our two members in .uk to organize a PLUG meeting there :). I think we also have one person in Seattle. Maybe we should let that go due to the instability of the current situation, then again more Linux groups and more earthquakes and maybe Gates can pull a Scrooge and finally provide some decent customer support :). > The guy's at vikings were kind enough to allow the use of thier facility, That they were. Plenty of other places that'll host for us as well. > I would have loved to attended last nite's steering committee meeting, to > have actively participated, but a little thing called work got in the way. You're excused as you'd cleared missing it *before* the meeting. The rest of you, however, will have to write a program that will print "I will not miss PLUG organizational meetings!" 100 times in some wierd swahili dialect of lisp! ;-) > I have volunteered to assist lucas with co-ordinating presentations as he Most cool. I either missed that or forgot about it. Most danke. > needs it, i have presented at asulug and various other user groups around > the valley, I do what i can given my limited knowledge. Fortunately plug > has an excellent and motivated group of people driving this forward, but > they also have jobs/families and other responsibilities, If you have an > idea, or can present something that you like please step forward. It does > not need to be a phd thesis, or a full meeting long presentation, imho, it's > better if they are shorter. That was one of the requests that came up Thu. I think we want to change the meeting format slightly to give people more time after the presentation to kibitz. > have received numeorus leads and consulting gigs from these memberships. I have also been introduced to many job opportunities through user groups. They also give me resources to research employers before talking to them. Quite a few never got talked to :). I participate because I want to learn and PLUG is a great place to learn. Part of that learning is how to find a better work environment. > If you take the attitude with user groups "if it is to be it's upto me" > you'll have a far more enjoyable experience. That is what I find in all things. Of couse, since I'm inherently lazy a lot of things don't 'be' :). ciao, der.hans -- # ;-) # "... the social skills of a cow on acid." - der.hans