moin, moin, a question about ping. What path is the response time reported measuing? Is it the tolkienesque there and back again or just there? This box that was having problems, but appears to mostly be behaving again is having probs connecting to a specific host. The one it needs to talk to, naturally. Pinging gets me normal numbers, but it seems to be taking 30 sec to come back, e.g. ping times of 124 ms, but it takes 30 sec to see the response. Pinging other hosts from the afflicted box works just fine. Pinging this one host from other boxen also works just fine. It's just the combo that we need that seems to be hosed. Also, the client we're using is making a tcp connection. I'm told that telnetting works just fine, but running the actual client gets timeouts. If it weren't for the ping prob I'd think it's a config error. ciao, der.hans -- # ;-) # If you're not learning, you're not living. - der.hans