Am 28. Feb, 2001 schwäzte Kimi A. Adams so: > I have a rather quaint question. How low is low for TTL? The reason that > I ask is because some of this stuff I just do by command, meaning that I > have notes taken that I follow. I have refused some jobs because I didn't > know how to do this same thing. Mine are set at 43200. Is that high or $ expr 43200 / 3600 12 12 Min. Pretty low. Unless you plan on changing your stuff around you should go for something closer to a week, I think. > low? (yes, I know that I should read more, but if it isn't broken, don't > fix it right?) If it isn't broken, it doesn't have enough features :). ciao, der.hans -- # ;-) # HERE LIES LESTER MOORE # SHOT 4 TIMES WITH A .44 # NO LES # NO MOORE # -- tombstone, in Tombstone, AZ