\_ I still fumble around in vi - apparently the days of line editors have \_ finally escaped me. I think I probably couldn't use edlin anymore or \_ whatever that attrocious thing was that I used on VAX. Give me emacs ;-) \_ \_ With that, I'm clocking out and I'll leave the editor wars to everyone else. Sancho! My Sword! My Armor! [Yes! Your Grace.] Oh, um, sorry. Every now and again, I fire up vi after saying term=unknown. Keeps me competent for when things get really bad. :-) On the flip side, emacs rules. I've coded hooks so that when I commit a CGI file (either via CVS or RCS) it a) commits b) throws a http log message, and c) logs the update to my personal work history database. Beat that with a stick. I've got an amusing emacs/vm thing I did that I'm planning on posting.... um, soon. /me looks for My Shield! On an unrelated note, the Computer Library is closing its storefront today. Damn. Kathryn's post on AZIPA didn't mention if she was closing the website or not; last I heard it was going to remain up. David