\_ I have a complete web site developed in ASP, and changing \_ to PHP or anything else is just not an option. I would \_ like to mirror the site on my Debain/Apache (which has a uptime \_ longer than my niece is old). \_ \_ Is there any hope? A module for Apache? There's an ASP-on-Unix vendor by the name of Chili!Soft or some such. However, just a few messages back there was a Bugtraq mail or two on them. :-/ Beware the 'ASP' module in Perl...it doesn't support what most people think of when they say 'ASP'. IIRC, there are ASP to PHP scripts out there, but I wouldn't swear to it. Grep freshmeat. Depending, put a reverse proxy in front of the NT box that runs a more stable OS. :-) David