moin, moin, we've had to change the tour facility for tomorrow's tour because the person I know at left the company. I have now arranged for a tour of Inflow starting at 7:30. Still downtown, still a colo company. Quest amongst others has their stuff in there. NOTE: we have to show a picture ID and leave it with their security while we're in the facility. ASU IDs will work, so will passports and drivers licenses. The plan is to meet at the computing commons auditorium at 6, then leave a little bit after 6:30. If you have a class getting out at 6:30, but want to attend let me know ASAP and we will try to hold off long enough for you to arrive. Please let me know if you plan on travelling with the group. Also let me know if you can haul a few people in your vehicle. This will help us be more certain we have enough seats for the ride over. If you want to go straight to the facility it's in the old Republic and Gazette building downtown, 120 E. Van Buren. danke, der.hans -- # ;-) # Magic is science unexplained. - der.hans