Am 17. Feb, 2001 schwäzte Tyler Hall so: > What happened to that girl that did that Legato presentation or whatever? > Is she on this list? I was pretty impressed on her knowledge about linux, > etc. I'm just teaching my girlfriend it. Maybe there's hope for girl > geeks in the near future? hum.. Plenty of hope. My girlfriend was wanting to do this stuff so much that she's taken advantage of the opportunity to go back to college for her CS degree. Maybe this should be something for us to consider on Mar 1? Why is it that we don't have more women participating? I know plenty of capable female engineers. I even know a few who do computer stuff. Why is it they aren't participating in the LUG? I know it's not for a lack of women with the capability. As with all other topics, if you have ideas or suggestions, but don't want to voice them publicly let me know and I'll bring stuff up at the Mar 1 meeting. ciao, der.hans -- # ;-) # Stell dir vor, es ist Krieg und keiner geht hin...