I have an interesting problem for you guys. Was doing some stuff on one of the linux boxes I maintain when somehow the /var partition was wiped out. I have a mysql server running on it for logging of information. I was moving the tables to another directory and was going to recreate the tables in the original directory, so... /dev/sdc7 mounted at /usr/local/mysql (6.4GB partition) /dev/md2 mounted at /var (5.0GB partition) /var/lib/mysql linked to /usr/local/mysql via 'ln -s /usr/local/mysql /var/lib/mysql' /dev/sdc6 mounted at /var/lib/mysql/bkup (this is where I was moving the tables from a mysql db to) I was in the db directory (/var/lib/mysql/dbname) and did 'umount ../bkup' to unmount /dev/sdc6 from that directory. It was unmounted, but it also took all of var with it leaving just the symbolic link from /var/lib/mysql to /usr/local/mysql behind. Tried to remount the /var partition to no success, so I rebooted. I had to manually fsck /dev/md2 (the /var partition) and then rebooted again after it fixed a lot of inodes. Ended up having to restore the whole partition from the last full backup (thankfully was last done on Friday). Anyone have any clue what I did to trash the /var partition?