Am 17. Feb, 2001 schwäzte Jean Francois so: > I have noticed, as I am sure all of you have, that there are a few > heretics among us that have been recommending one of the BSDs to Linux > users when they are having problems. I don't consider you heretics. I see you as recon, experimenting with other systems who then report findings back to us. Eventually you will find the *one true path* and return to us ;-). > Is this a good time to start discussing what BSD User Groups are > available and maybe moving to/starting a new mailing list for the BSD > users among us to take the off-topic posts off of the PLUG list? I don't consider them off-topic. Part of using Linux is knowing when something else might be appropriate. > Sooner or later the Linux vs. *BSD Holy Wars will hit the list and I > prefer not to have to go thru that....again... Discussions about which is better for this or that or in general are good. Anyone that takes it as holy war needs to calm down. The same for dist holy wars[1]. > Another suggestion might be to slightly modify the PLUG charter to > be inclusive of all Free Operating Systems and Software. Good idea, but I suggest limiting that (for now) to *NIX-based or *NIX-like, free, open source stuff. Occasional semi-offtopic stuff like questions about commercial, non-open-sourced *NIXen or getting (X)emacs or perl to run on M$ or OS/2. I'd like to see more *BSD and Hurd stuff on the list. Both are interesting and important to our community. Remember that these are my opinions. Feel free to agree or disagree with them based upon their merits and know that I can be out-voted. Also please show up on Mar 1 (a week from Thu) at Sequoia to let us know how you feel about this and other items important to building the best PLUG we can. This can include dramamtic changes such as becoming the PBLUG, e.g. Phoenix *BSD and Linux Users Group, or the POSUG, e.g. Phoenix Open Source Users Group, but we'd have to wait to announce that until after rms has spoken or he'll never show up :). Guess we could do PFOSUG though. Maybe PFaiSUG, e.g. Phoenix Free, as in Speech, User Group. Please think about other topics such as what the web site committee, devel group and security group should be doing. Should we do more to encourage install-fests or SIGs at the Thu meetings? Should we have other meetings at other parts of town? Should we have concurrent meetings in other parts of town where people can show up together to watch the web-cast? Should we resurrect the initiative to help schools and non-profits get Linux/*BSD in place? Should we as a group attempt to work on a particular Open Source project? Should we do more to get food and drink at the meetings? Do we need a baby changing station at meetings? Do we have other speakers beside rms we'd like to corral into talking for us? Do we want to get involved with ITEC again? What topics do we want covered at the meetings? Are there particular types of news items that we want to see? Are we interested in doing a PLUG picnic or PLUG laser tag event? Do we want to start a Friends of the LUG list for spouses/family_members/friends who wonder where the hell it is we go one or more times a months :)? Whatever else you think is important for PLUG or that will make it more useful to you. Please also consider ways you can help to make PLUG better. ciao, der.hans [1] We all know that debian is the *one true dist*, but we continue allowing the heathens to walk among us hoping one day they will see the light ;-). -- # ;-) # Stell dir vor, es ist Krieg und keiner geht hin...