I would appreciate some advice regarding firewalls. This week, I might be doing some network consulting for a small business. Now, they have a small network on Windows 3.51. They are planning on getting DSL for high speed internet connection, and therefore will have a static IP. My question is on the type of firewall to consider or suggest. I have read some on configuration, but have never done one myself. Though, by the time they get DSL, I am sure I can learn enough. Should I consider, as some have said, a router with the firewall protection built in, a ready made software package like www.netmax.com, a light-medium script like TrinityOS, or should I struggle to make one myself? Their might be lesser expensive options than a Firebox, but I would appreciate any suggestions. Also, not to cause a Linux/BSD war, but which of these two OS options is generally considered more secure? Netmax offers both as options. Thanks for your help. Mike Porter