Am 11. Feb, 2001 schwäzte Craig White so: > Second, they could point out that the amount of pilferage in past x months > makes everyone suspect. Nope, nope, nope. I don't care how many of my neighbors deal crack out of their bedroom window, that doesn't automagically make me suspect and give the cops a right to bust my place in if I decide to open a window and air out a carpet. Granted, if many of my neighbors are dealing crack I'm more likely to be boarding up windows instead of opening them :). > Third, it is private property and when you enter their premises, you > surrender some of your rights to them. I don't know about this. I could see that there might be things, but they certainly aren't being given right to baggy-cavity search me without some proper notice. Even then I'd say their case it on a shaky platform. Accusing me of stealing just because I'm leaving the place also isn't right. ciao, der.hans -- # ;-) # Motorraeder toeten nicht. Motorraeder werden getoetet.