My brother is attempting to install Mandrake v7.2 on a new home built PC and the install hangs right after choosing 'Install'. The machine will boot with a DOS boot disk, all cable/card connections have been tested and work properly. The disk is from the 'Complete' package sold in the stores, not burned from a downloaded ISO. The machine is an MSI K7T (Via KT-133 chipset), running a Duron 700, 128Mb RAM, 30Gb WD HD using ATA-66 cable connection. Anyway, something in the back of my mind tells me that there may be two problems. If I recall correctly, the initial released disks for 7.2 did not have the same contents as the downloaded ISO's. Second, it seems to me that there is a problem with the Via KT-133 chipset and Mandrake v7.x install that needs an update. Do any of these vague recollections of mine sound familiar as the potential problem with his install? Should I burn him a copy of my downloaded install disks? Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. (P.S. Please forgive the Lotus Notes header garbage) Regards, Donn Shumway "Once the 'what' is decided, the 'how' always follows. We must not make the 'how' an excuse for not facing and accepting the 'what.'" -- Pearl S. Buck