> He was saying that private businesses fine people for shoplifting. As > an additional note, most people that shoplift do not have the means to > pay a fine. Your thinking of adult shoplifters.... Most of the people that I was refering to at tower records where little punk kids. Usually there parents paid whatever fines, then made them make it up to them in other ways :) The best thef that I ever witnessed at tower was some guy came in and was obviously on something. He looked around in the music for a while and selected a few things, then paid for them. Then he went over to the muse machine and started acting really weird. He was glancing back and forth, and trying to conceil the items he just paid for. When everyone turned their head for just a second he darted out the door, stealing his own stuff :) ....then he went to the other end of the parking lot and threw up. Wish I had caught that one on video tape Brian Cluff