> How does this "profit from fines work"? Fines are set in court and go > to that jurisdiction. I know of no court that shares fines. Arizona > Revised Statuses do require restitution if that is what you are > talking about, however there would be no profit in restitution. I don't remember exactly how it works, but california has a similar law. I think that Tower Records would fine the people directly about $250 to $1000 and that it was somehow enforceable under some law. Someone once told me that it was a way for tower to gain back some of the money that the theif cost them. Basicly they assume that the person had successfully stolen from tower in the past. Usually that was true, and they just nail them for some amount they guess they had stolen in the past. I dont know how much truth there as in that, I do know that we had sevral parties that were throw out of the loss prevention budget from the recouped money they got, so they were definatly getting it. I wish I had actually found out exactly what laws they were working under. I do need to be more clear though... The loss prevention dept. made money over what it costs to employ them. That is NOT adjusted to compensate for the amout of items that go missing over the year... It's just shows that their undercover dudes that are in the store all the time are very effective... thats it. Brian Cluff