are you using the insight version of the gdb debugger from cygwin or Redhat? Where can we learn more from the master! sps > I once used a similar approach to debug a memory leak. The program in > question was a client in a client/server relationship (though the same > approach would just as easily work for the server) and it was observed > that the program would leak memory even with no network activity. I > put breakpoints on the C++ memory allocation and deallocation routines > and used the ``commands'' command to add commands for printing out the > memory that was being either allocated or deallocated along with a > limited (four or five frame) backtrace (e.g. use ``bt 5'' to do > this). I then let the program run for a while, stopped it, and then > used a perl script to filter the output. The perl script removed the > lines which had matching allocations and deallocations. The > allocations which were left had to be the leak. The backtrace was > necessary to find the location of the allocate - there were multiple > layers of allocation functions in the program. It turned out that the > problem was in the customer supplied library. They (fortunately) had > left debugging symbols in their library that they had supplied to us > and were very much surprised when I was able to tell them the exact > file and line number at which to look for the problem (even though > they had not suppled source code). > > Kevin