\_ If your sparc is anything like the ones at work then do a 'STOP A' \_ to bring it to the boot prompt. If you have a bootable cdrom then \_ try typing 'boot cdrom' and see what happens or try 'boot floppy' \_ and see if it boots the floppy. Ah, STOP A. That brings back fond memories... like the time I took a diskless Sun 3/50 down hard enough STOP A didn't work. Short version: do *not* feed xstart/startx ctrl-c in the middle of its load process. At this point, I suspect that the init had partly reconfiged the keyboard for X, but when I killed it, it didn't gracefully recover.... But that wouldn't explain the snowfield-dark-snowfield-dark cycle that was lighting up the back of the lab. Verra pretty. Cylon detector stopped even. More evil to follow, provided I can remember it and not the joys of freshman CS. David