Am 04. Feb, 2001 schwäzte Bill Lindley so: > PSN -- Planet Systems Network -- vanished from the face of the Earth > suddenly and without any warning to its customers on 1 January 2001, > leaving many scrambling to find one of the precious few dial-up ISP's left > in the Phoenix area. My parents had just paid for 6 months' service and > all that went straight down the rat-hole. If I remember correctly, however, there was news on their front page that you could get to. It wasn't good or necessarily helpful, but at least you coult get to it and it told you you were SOL. Neither nor have anything about service problems. Both have stuff about the services Wired Global offers. "Wired Global Communications, Inc. is the premier source of Internet Engineering and Network Infrastructure solutions to Internet Service and Internet Presence Providers (ISPs and IPPs)." Maybe they're just going with the trend and showing ISPs how to mistreat customers ;-). I remember you saying that PSN didn't take down their 'buy from us now' button even after announcing that they were already belly up. Oh wait, just read the second half of that paragraph: "This is accomplished with 99.999% network reliability, proactive dedicated service, blazing performance, and competitive pricing structures to integrate with the ISP and IPP business model." I wonder if Jean agrees with that statement ;-). > I regret having dealt with a company with such utter contempt for their > customers. Unfortunately way too many companies in this country are like that. I will gladly leave an organization that mistreats customers and/or employees. I also try to find companies that will do better. Those searches don't always end in success, but I'm trying :). ciao, der.hans -- # ;-) # If you're not learning, you're not living. - der.hans