Am 04. Feb, 2001 schwäzte Brian Cluff so: > As Eric Thelin can tell you with cox. He once called cox about an outage > and happened to mention that he was running linux on their service, then > later on when he called and was having problem with their service when his > machine was booted into WINDOWS they refused to help him because the first > person has added a note that said that he ran linux and they had a policy > that prevented them from supporting him anymore, even though it was a > supported OS question!!!!!! Start calling business and corporate offices. Let them know that they're not covering a support call reporting a problem on *their* side. It also helps if you ask JLF about which government entities can make their life miserable for screwing up with telecom stuff. > Soooo, I will never mention that I run linux on my service... ever! I will let them know point blank that I'm running Linux as well as remind them that I know more about this stuff than they do. If I get ahold of someone who knows more than I do, then OS is irrelevant :). ciao, der.hans -- # ;-) # Magic is science unexplained. - der.hans