My DSL connection went down at 1130pm on Thurs Feb 1. My MRTG shows that it has not been up intermittently since then as is usual for DSL Networks outages. DSL Networks doesn't answer the Tech Support Line. WiredGlobal Comm. - 602-674-9900 is no longer in service and no one seems to own it. With no phone number and only an email address to contact only a BOFH would love that kind of support. There is no email address anywhere on the DSLNetworks page for their support and since no one wants to answer the phone it is obvious how difficult this is to get a handle on. I can ping from the inside to my ATM VC/1: I can ping my Router Ethernet Interface: From the outside world I can traceroute to: My destinations internally: I have to assume that: 1. DSL Networks has gone out of business 2. WGC has gone out of business 3. My service is down due to a real outage 4. My service has been discontinued 5. No one knows what is going on If anyone has any information at all, please call me at:480-892-8186 If anyone can recommend another, more stable DSL service, please let me know. I do not have incoming email stabilized yet so don't try that. I am sending this via a backup dialup account with Primenet and Yahoo. Jean Francois - JLF Sends... __________________________________________________ Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail - only $35 a year!