This was lost in the fun transition and my mailer gave up politely.... \_ I remember doing something like this in the past and was wondering if anyone \_ had any suggestions. \_ \_ Scenario: I am hosting several email accounts with an ISP (access via \_ POP3/Outlook). I want to move to another ISP. I have all of the usernames \_ and passwords. \_ \_ Goal: is to move the unread mail (mail on the old ISP) to the new isp for \_ each user. \_ \_ The way I did it before was a PERL script the cycled through the usernames \_ SU as the user and POPped the mail down. This works great to get it to the \_ server, but now I need to forward each to a different ISP/User. \_ \_ Anyone have any ideas/scripts/software? fetchmail may help: poll with proto POP3 user "myuser1" there with password "mypass1" is samiam1 here # ... poll with proto POP3 user "myuser2" there with password "mypass2" is samiam2 here I suppose you'd have to have collusion of your mail server and or procmail and or see if fetchmail can deliver to remote mail queues. :-) If you have a shell on the new ISP, run fetchmail there and be happy more easily. Also check freshmeat. David