moin, moin, many of you have noticed that the PLUG mailing lists have been somewhat silent. Some have certainly also gotten failure to deliver messages as I have. The Wired Global computer that hosts the web site was moved last week and is now living on a new IP address. There were some delays in restarting services. The server is back up, which is why this mail is going out :). DNS, however, was just changed and it will take a little while for the change to trickle through the Internet, e.g. we gotta wait for the timeouts. I'm cheating a little ( I'll leave how as an exercise for the overachievers ;-), and can thus post. Over the next few days everything will return to normal and everybody should be in good shape. Sorry for the outtage and sorry for not knowing about it before it happened in order to issue a warning... ciao, der.hans -- # ;-) # Magic is science unexplained. - der.hans