All: I obtained my RHCE through these folks last year, and it was a really good course. The instructor was a RedHat employee from Redhat HQ and knew his stuff. You basically attend the class M-Th, then the exam is on Friday. One word of caution though... this is no MCSE multiple-choice exam. Two segments of the exam are hands on and require a LOT of previous knowledge not acquired through the course. Out of my entire class (20 people I think) only 4 of us got the RHCE. Nationally speaking, 10,000 people have taken the RHCE exam and only 2,500 have passed. That should tell ya something. :)) If anyone has any questions about becoming a RHCE, let me know. I can't disclose details about the exam, but I can clue you in on some basic stuff. ============================================ Gary Nichols Network Operations Mgr NeoPlanet,Inc. RHCE #806200886701949 --------------------------------------------