I know others have answered already, but I have a related solution that might work for you. Assuming you have a network connection of some type, make sure there is a matching entry in your /etc/hosts file. If you IP address is then you should have a line similar to the following in your /etc/hosts file: hostname.domain.name hostname Adjust the names appropriately. :) On Tue, 9 Jan 2001, Khoo, Bee Leng wrote: > Hi, > I had installed Linux Redhat 6.2 with Kernet patch 2.2.16. And I > found my maching had a very long booting. It stopped at STARTING SENDMAIL > for about 5 mins and then continue to boot. Any one in the group can help me > solve this booting relay problem ? Thanks in advance. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=[The Realm of Darkness]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O- Ken Bowley johann@trod.org AKA: Lord Johann http://www.trod.org -=-=-=-=-=[ Linux, the choice of the GNU generation ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- LCP, LCI, and Brainbench Linux MVP