Hi! Opnix is looking for someone to work as a software packager/tester. This person would take software developed in house and build RPM and/or DEB packages for it. This person would also test the software and the packages. Finally, this person would possibly also build packages for other third-party open source tools for use in-house and possibly for distribution externally. If you're interested in this position, please send a resume to jobs@opnix.com! Thanks. -- about Opnix boilerplate follows... yadda yadda... ;D -- Opnix is a next-generation Internet bandwidth provider that improves performance, security, scalability and reliability by aggregating and interconnecting major Internet backbones. Its unique Best Path Global Transit(TM) technology evaluates each available path and directs Internet traffic through the fastest and most reliable routes. Customers can have connectivity delivered to their doorstep via telecom-based circuits or co-locate inside the company's carrier-class Switching Cores. Opnix creates a faster and more robust Internet infrastructure platform for corporate enterprises, institutions and Internet companies such as co-location providers, Internet Service Providers (ISPs), content/portal providers, Application Service Providers (ASPs) and broadband network carriers. To find out more about how Opnix can help you with your mission-critical bandwidth needs, please visit our web site at www.opnix.com. -- Jiva DeVoe VP Of Software Development Opnix, Inc. - Simply Kid-Tested, Mother-Approved bandwidth. GPG Fingerprint: 0A17 DF84 516A 1DC4 B837 FE6D 3128 41CD 97CB 4AA7