I tried posting this in comp.os.linux.misc. Got a couple of responses but nothing worked. Maybe someone here knows about this. After copying some files to my zip disk I found I couldn't unmount the drive (device busy) even though I was in the /mnt directory. Not being aware of "fuser" the only thing I could think of was to reboot. Big mistake! The shutdown messages showed a failure to unmount hdd1 and when it booted it showed hda6 and 7 (/ and /home) not cleanly unmounted and forced check (of course) which both passed. When it finished I was in an X window, no GUI login (which it should have been) _or_ CLI. Rebooting into run level 3 gave me a CLI and "startx" brought up Gnome. All apps seem o.k. Using Gnome's menu logout returns to CLI instead of graphical login and lists several Gtk and GnomeUI warnings and a command prompt. Can't find anything in the logs pertaining to this. Ran across some wierd entries in /var/gdm/:0.log but I don't know their relationship to this problem: AUDIT: Wed Jan 10 00:39:50 2001: 525 X: client 1 rejected from local host Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server Any pointers or suggestions on how to boot directly into run level 5 and get the GUI login back or how to begin attacking this would be appreciated. I'm running Redhat 6.0 Bob Holtzman "If you think you're getting free lunch, check the price of the beer!"