I have been rolling my eyes over the man pages for 'req' 'openssl' and 'ssl' and haven't done much better with www.openssl.org so perhaps someone can point me in the right direction. I want to create a self-signed certificate for my apache based web server with mod_ssl installed and apparently working if you call certificates signed as SomeOrganization Somewhere and localhost and localdomain a presentable certificate. I can't believe it is that hard to do but it is escaping me. Can anyone point me to a instruction page that someone from the lower 98% can understand? Craig ----:----|----:----|----:----|----:----|----:----|----:----| - Craig White - PO Box 8634 - Scottsdale, Arizona - 85252 - e-mail address ................ - CraigWhite@AzApple.com - world wide web address ........ - http://www.AzApple.com - e-mail my pager address ....... - 6023779752@airtouch.net - cellular phone ................ - (602) 377-9752 - voice/facsimile ............... - (480) 945-8445 ----:----|----:----|----:----|----:----|----:----|----:----|