"J.L.Francois" wrote: [snip] > Here is mine. Normal caveats, YMMV,TANSTAAFL, Objects in mirror closer than > they appear, item may or mau not be fit for human combustion, etc. > ^^^ not a typo. > Remember the lines may wrap in transit and may need to be fixed. > > ==============CUT HERE=============== [snip] hehehe, that's excellent! I did an everything install of Storm from a CD I got off a Maximum Linux magazine and it had the coolest install of Enlightenment. But something was messed up with it and it sometimes wouldn't let me do things as root. Never figured it out but maybe I'll try it again with some debian upgrades. I think Pee Kay will need to issue something like: apt-get update apt-get -f dist-upgrade apt-get install debconf apt-get install task-potato-upgrade BTW, www.progeny.com has an upgrade for Debian now with this line in sources.list deb http://archive.progeny.com progeny main contrib non-free They have an interesting feature called "NOW" http://www.progeny.com/now/ And the President of Progeny is Ian (of deb IAN, wife's name DEBra) Murdock. They're a nice bunch on #progeny irc.openprojects.com Bucky -- (defun do-nothing() (interactive) )