On Tue, 5 Dec 2000, Bucky Goldstein,,, wrote: > If I had a son I'd want him to start out on linux, > he'll always have a trade to fall back on. Once you > get him going problems like this don't seem so big > to kids, they just ask somebody until they get an > answer or just figure it out. This son is 24, married, and busy on his own career, no time for hacking. His older brother, a Solaris admin, gave him the machine all set up with Mandrake. It worked fine for a while, then started freezing for seconds or minutes at a time. I wiped that system out while fighting what turned out to be a bad IDE disk. His admin brother is now deeply engrossed in his own Silicon Valley job and no time to play with Linux, which he considers too immature and disorganized for "real" work, and he also disdains Intel hardware. (Call Sun Microsystems and they deliver the part that afternoon, etc.) He likes GNU, but prefers a solider operating system, and packages that just drop into place and run. I have no clue what chap and pap are, and don't have time to learn.mind is pretty well made up here. I'll tinker with my own Linux systems -- wonderful platform for Perl development, etc. -- but should not make someone else wait forever while I do it. Vic