With the Holiday Seasons comes an increase in the number of computer viruses that use email attachments to trick users into running them. Two that are currently determined to be a High Risk are detailed below. W32.Prolin.Worm may be received as an email with the subject. A great Shockwave flash movie with an attachment named creative.exe If you receive this email delete it immediately. Opening the attachment creative.exe can destroy data on your computer and cause significant damage to BHA computer systems. W32.Navidad may be received as an email with an attachment named NAVIDAD.EXE. The subject of this email will vary. If you receive this email delete it immediately. Opening the attachment NAVIDAD.EXE can destroy data on your computer and cause significant damage to BHA computer systems. BHA I/T reminds you that The BHA mail system is for Business Use Only The sending and receiving of personal email is unacceptable and not permitted. The best way to prevent the spread of this type of virus is by not opening any email from someone you do not know and most importantly do not open any email attachments unless you are sure they are of business use. Most of this type of virus will try to trick the user into opening a "cute" or "funny" program. If you limit your use of BHA email to business use only you will not be the one who introduces a damaging virus into the BHA system. thank you Information Technology