I am installing Linux on my spare laptop and I have a question for the experts. Anyway, what are good disk partitions to use? I want to use this machine as a development environment for Java and web stuff, as well as install Apache and use it as a web server for my projects. I have a small network of Windows machines, so this will be my private webserver/development environment. My hard disk is about 3.9 GB in total. When Redhat partitioned the hard disk for the "server" configuration, it gave me the following: Swap 204 M hda9 /boot 19 M hda1 / 259 M hda7 /usr 1578 M hda5 /home 1578 M hda6 /var 259 M hda8 Now, I only expect a few user accounts (I only have 5 people on my network, and 3 are under the age of 9!). I plan to run servlets, multiple threads in Java, etc, so do I have the right partitions? Thanks! Mark