At home I have a 44 GB disk mounted and made with ext2 and at work I have a 1.05 TB disk array that at one time was mounted with no problems after doing a mke2fs -m0 to it. I have done this with ext2, reiserfs, and BSD ffs, and all of them worked fine for > 1TB sizes. LVM or the raidtools will let you combine drives in linux. The limit isn't normally size, but how many drives you can have in an array/pool set. YMMV. It seems like on Tue, Nov 14, 2000 at 10:02:33PM -0700, Don Harrop scribbled: Orig Msg> I've been doing some Linux on some bigger HD's lately. Seems like the Orig Msg> largest partition ext2 can support is 8gigs. Am I stuck with this or is Orig Msg> there a trick to creating a larger partition that I don't know about? Is Orig Msg> there a way to connect two drives together as one logical partition? I Orig Msg> wan't to create the biggest partition I can in Linux with the utilities Orig Msg> that come with the a standard Linux distro. Orig Msg> Orig Msg> Don Jean Francois - JLF Sends... President & CEO - MagusNet, Inc.,, MagusNet.Gilbert.AZ.US Director Of Managed Services - OpNIX,Inc., OpNIX - Simply Better Bandwidth 602-770-JLF1 - Cellular, ICQ: 8137851 My Certifications: Doing my part to educate the Clubie Illiterati. One LART at a time!