you quickly learn that lesson the first time you download something from
freshmeat, too :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Hawke []
Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2000 12:34 PM
Subject: firewalls: was Re: test

Well guys..
the firewall I got from:
had some problems.... it seems I could recieve e-mail, 
but not send. I am currently debugging the script, but in 
the meantime, I strongly recommend that a thurough debug
of any scripts you get from that site should be in order.

I am currently running ip[chains with no rules (except those
placed in the ruleset by abacus sentry.

in the meantime, just a friendly note to let y'all know
that the scripts obtained from third parties may not be
perfect and that modification may be required (never implicitly
trust 3rd party vendors with default products, always peak and tweak
to meet your needs).


Hawke wrote:
> this is a smal test (bloody mail serrver)
Make a few extra $$$.

The rest of this signature is currently out of service.

See if your mail doesn't post
to the list quickly and you use Netscape to write mail.

Plug-discuss mailing list  -

From Anthony Walsh" <  Tue Nov  7 20:54:19 2000
From: Anthony Walsh" < (Anthony Walsh)
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2000 13:54:19 -0700
Subject: Job Posting Page
Message-ID: <013001c048fc$e644c940$>

Okay Plug Members,

    Here's what I am thinking.  I am going to create a Web Page that Plug
Members can access for Job Postings that I have.  I am also thinking of
opening up this Job posting to people that would like to post their openings
with me.  I am open to opinions, and ideas that any of you may have.

    I think that I will continue to post openings with some details in the
mail digest, but this Web Page will be another way to check my openings.

    Just a piece of info on my openings.  I have about 30 UNIX Administrator
openings of all sorts, Contract, Contract to Hire, and Permanent Jobs.  The
great thing with multiple openings is that I am looking for Junior to Senior

    I also have Several Permanent Intermediate to Senior C++ programmer on a
Solaris Platform with RDB experience.  RDB can be Oracle, SQL, Sybase,
and/or Informix.  (A few of these openings require a B.S.)

    I also have a contract C++ developer on a Solaris platform opening that
would be a 6 Month Contract to hire situation.

    Well that is it for now, I will update you all when I have that Web Page
up and running.  Thank you for all your comments, they are valued.  And if
you are looking for a job, and don't see the posting up here, call me
anyway!  You never know I have around 60 openings right now that I need
people for.


Anthony G. Walsh
Account Manager                 
IT Connections, Inc.                       602.240.7711     Ext. 14

     Your Source For Efficient, Effective IT Expertise.