It seems like on Sat, Nov 04, 2000 at 06:41:50PM -0700, scribbled: Orig Msg> ObJLF: is nothing more than an Orig Msg> (FBI|KGB|CIA|GRU|NSA|PBS|ABC|NBC|CBS|BBC) Orig Msg> tool for assessing and cataloging each Orig Msg> geek's skills to determine if he should Orig Msg> be (recruited|retired). Orig Msg> So many TLAs such little time. I couldn't possibly work for ALL of them, now could I ? You might want to look into my .sig for details. Jean Francois - JLF Sends... President & CEO - MagusNet, Inc.,, MagusNet.Gilbert.AZ.US Director Of Managed Services - OpNIX,Inc., OpNIX - Simply Better Bandwidth 602-770-JLF1 - Cellular, ICQ: 8137851 My Certifications: Doing my part to educate the Clubie Illiterati. One LART at a time!