-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 On 10/26/00, 5:04:32 PM, jlf@opnix.com wrote regarding Re: Lost any file lately?: > I have a hackup up version of pgp2.6.3 I have been running that can make > 16384 bit keys. > Not practical but nice to know it's there. Is this for Linux? I know that Cyber Knights Templar wrote a version like this, but I thought it was only for Windows. - -- Nathan Saper (natedog@well.com) | http://www.well.com/user/natedog/ GnuPG (ElGamal/DSA): 0x9AD0F382 | PGP 2.x (RSA): 0x386C4B91 Standard PGP & PGP/MIME OK | AOL Instant Messenger: linuxfu -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.5 and Gnu Privacy Guard iD8DBQE5+2rN2FWyBZrQ84IRAlhZAJ96Kn27V2K6owLR7nb5c/xZJYJvbACgs4XO tAG5JTJ4qUlJYUTJNkQndRY= =jXZm -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----