I am running IPCHAINS with NAT for Opnix and we are using multiple OC-3s. The box is an ATHLON 800 with 128MB RAM and 2 Intel EEPRO 10/100 NICS. It has been hammered in tests and holds its own without a hiccup. The distro is Debian and the entire install fit into 164MB. It would have been smaller if I didn't have to install ssh and other support libraries. JLF Sends... It seems like on Thu, Oct 26, 2000 at 04:31:53PM -0700, Jon Revie scribbled: Orig Msg> I'm looking for a little help finding ipchains statistics. I've been Orig Msg> using some simple ipchains rules on personal systems for a while, running Orig Msg> ipmasquerading and everything, which has worked well. However, the Orig Msg> company I work for is thinking about maybe giving ipchains a shot at Orig Msg> running the company firewall, and they have a much bigger pipe than what Orig Msg> I'm used to. Orig Msg> Orig Msg> Does anyone know what kind of system (processor, RAM, etc) would be needed Orig Msg> to handle all incoming traffic for a DS-3? Or if there's anywhere where Orig Msg> there have been reviews about it's performance against other firewall Orig Msg> systems for Linux. I know a lowly 386 can handle a simple 10M of traffic, Orig Msg> I'm just not sure what is needed to handle a considerably larger pipe. Orig Msg> Orig Msg> Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. Orig Msg> -- Orig Msg> Jon Revie revie@home.com http://www.cs.ndsu.nodak.edu/~revie Orig Msg> Orig Msg> "Somebody told me how frightening it was how much topsoil we Orig Msg> are losing each year, but I told that story around the camp- Orig Msg> fire and nobody got scared." - Jack Handey Orig Msg> Orig Msg> Jean Francois - JLF Sends... President & CEO - MagusNet, Inc., MagusNet.com, MagusNet.Gilbert.AZ.US Director Of Managed Services - OpNIX,Inc., www.opnix.com OpNIX - Simply Better Bandwidth 602-770-JLF1 - Cellular, ICQ: 8137851 My Certifications: http://www.brainbench.com/transcript.jsp?pid=1214021