Since everyone was piping in about their dealings with Sprint Broadband, I figure I might as well put my two cents in.... I don't have the option of DSL at my house, and never have liked COX for some reason, so Sprint was the only option for me. I havn't got a clue what their tech support is like, I only know that they never answer any emails... When I signed up for the service, I know I was getting into a shared bandwidth setting, and actually expected worse then I have seen. The bandwidth does bounce around a lot, but most of the time it's like sitting behind a T1. Installation was a snap too... I told the person on the phone that I ran Linux, listend to his lame statements about not supporting Linux, and then told him that supporting my OS wasn't his job, all I wanted was the bandwidth. :) I went through the same thing with the tech that came out (they forgot to mention the Linux part to him) and let him know that I was take care of everything on the OS side, all I needed were the IP address, netmask, gateway, and their DNS numbers for good measure (I didn't feel like confusing him by installing a cacheing name server on my system while he was sitting there). For the most part, I've been very pleased with my service... BTW: I'm located around 91st Ave and McDowel, with a VERY clean view of South Mountain. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O- Ken Bowley/SysAdmin Viking Systems, Inc. -=-=-=-=-=[Sair Linux and GNU Certified Professional]=-=-=-=-=-