On Sat, 21 Oct 2000, you wrote: > I don't know enough about what you did to answer that; did you > run LILO from the Debian system to install a new copy to the MBR? > and if so, was the Mandrake partition mounted at the same time? Maybe > it got the kernel from there. > > You just have to understand how LILO works. It's not too hard to set it > up to dual-boot between two distros, but to do that, you need to have > both partitions mounted so that lilo can see both kernels, and also > specify different root partitions for the two. At least that's how > I usually do it; but I suppose you could also have a LILO on the MBR > which delegates to one or the other partition, and then on the partition > have another copy of LILO which allows you to select which kernel. But > I haven't tried that yet; I usually just pick one distro as the "master" > and do all the LILO management from there. > > I also don't think I've ever tried to get Debian to do it "automagically", > if it even can; I tend to manage it by hand. Is that what you did, is > there a menu option to find other distros on the system and set them up > as bootable also? > > -- > _______ Shawn T. Rutledge / KB7PWD ecloud@bigfoot.com Debian 2.2 gives you a choice of activating the partitions you want to install the distro on. I choose /dev/hdb1 for / (root), /dev/hdb5 for /usr, /dev/hdb6 for /tmp and /dev/hdb7 for /home. And that is where things were installed. When it asked about lilo it gave two choices, the MBR and the /boot partition, I choose the /boot partition because Mandrake uses the MBR on /dev/hda1 and has a program for selecting alternate distro's startup's. I will go back and update version 2.2.15-4mdk to version 2.2.17pre6.deb just to have the system operating as planned by Debian. Clay Stapleton