Am 21. Oct, 2000 schwäzte Mitchell LaKind so: > Does anyone have any suggestions for a windows emulator. RNi will slowly be > moving the desktop pc's to Linux. However some of the apps are required to > be windows based. Any help is appreciated. Look at vmware[0] and win4lin[1]. I know lots of people who've had success with the former, in fact some claim it works better than natively because it gets to take advantage of Linux' memory management and "swaps" to Linux' RAM :). Don't know much about the second, but it appears to come with Mandrake 7.1 and is suppposed to let you run m$ apps. It's supposed to be good, but I don't know of anyone who's used it. There's also WINE[2]. Heard this week that photoshop was usable via WINE. Same with m$Word. I find it hard to believe due to their instability and unusability on m$, but everything's relevant :). Another option if you only need a few apps once in a while is to use VNC[3]. If you're willing to really have fun, run PPC Linux and run the mac version of the apps via MacOnLinux[4] :). ciao, der.hans [0] commercial [1] commercial? [2] gpl [3] Open Source? [4] gpl -- # # HERE LIES LESTER MOORE # SHOT 4 TIMES WITH A .44 # NO LES # NO MOORE # -- tombstone, in Tombstone, AZ