OK, first the setup. This is a PPro 200 with 128MB Ram. It has RH6.2 installed with the 2.2.16-3 kernel (precompiled rpm binary). I downloaded the tar.gz of 2.2.17, uncompressed it to /usr/src/linux-2.2.17. configured it, compiled it (no errors), moved the bzImage to /boot and edited /etc/lilo.conf to default to the new kernel, run lilo and reboot. Upon rebooting I get a kernel panic and a message that says to try to set init to something. At this point i try to reboot and at 'lilo:' type 'linux init=3'. Again kernel panics. I can get back into the system thanks to the previous kernel. Unfortunately the box is at school so I don't have the exact message. I'm stumped as to what to do. I looked in a couple of the books I have, but of course they don't mention much about kernel panics. Any suggestions?