Your assumptions of processing power are based solely on the idea of playing an unencoded DVD. Even with the joke of a cryptographic scheme it's purported to be, DVD videos still require processor time to decode. That's part of why hardware-based decoders are so popular with DVD owners. Jason wrote: > > Ken Bowley wrote: > > > > Don't let that DVD drive go unused! Check out the Livid project over at > > The recent CVS snapshots have made great strides in > > turning Linux machines into DVD players! My test machine at work (Celeron > > 400) can actually play DVD's in a watchable format, and a message on the > > Livid mailing list reported at a PIII 600 with 128MB of ram played the DVD > > as well under Linux as it did using WinDVD under that legacy OS. :) > > Since the DVD is merely an MPEG2 file coupled to the dolby extension > of MP2 audio, it should take THAT much CPU power to play it, right? > > If a lowly Celeron 400 can do it, can a K6-2 400? Sure, I dont have > 128K of full speed L2, but I do have 1MB of 100MHz L2, and 64K of L1 > ... and the Celerons run at the abysmal 66MHz bus as well... > > Side question: Why is it that none of the motherboard manufacturers > produce motherboards with L3 cache for the P2/Celeron/P3 or even > Athlon?? It seems that would help things out, even with SDRAM used > (SDRAM is still lousy at truly RANDOM access..)... Along the same > lines, why is everyone doing nothing waiting for DDR SDRAM to come > out, when it strikes me that two sticks of SDRAM with an inteligent > chipset could accomplish the same thing with a sort of "RAM striping" > ... > > The only answers I can come up with are that the typical consumer > these days is only concerned with version numbers, catch phrases > determined by PR departments, and having the biggest number on the > side of his or her box. Thats sort of depressing. Seeing the average > L2 cache size actually DROP in the last 3 or 4 years is also sort of > depressing.. so much for Moores law on that one.. > > -- > jkenner @ mindspring . com__ > I Support Linux: _> _ _ |_ _ _ _| > Working Together To <__(_||_)| )| `(_|(_)(_| > To Build A Better Future. |