You are both right. The SPARC lies behind my hybrid firewall/proxy config which makes running exploits difficult. ( Notice I did not say impossible ) 99.9% of script kiddie exploits are written and run on x86 hardware. So, for people running anything but the x86 it increases the probability that you won't see a succesful crack due to differences in memory and CPU structure. Remember, sometime a buffer overflow or other type of exploit is architecture independant or application specific and no platform changes can protect you. I sleep better knowing that any attacks thrown at my Sparcs are usually: 1. Script Kiddies on x86 boxen 2. directed at my firewall first The four Sparcs are only in rotation for serving web pages via the proxy and its cache so the weakest link in my scheme is still the firewall/proxy. See for yourself. Go to and lookup on bothe the secure and non-secure servers pages. or telnet 80 and type GET My questions: What is wrong with the 2.0.35 kernel? For that matter, what is wrong with 0.99pl53? If the kernel works, why fix it? That comment on not being an up to date kernel in the response smacks of the upgrade mentality of those "other" operating systems. HTH. HAND Jean Francois - JLF Sends... President & CEO - MagusNet, Inc.,, MagusNet.Gilbert.AZ.US Director Of Managed Services - OpNIX,Inc., OpNIX - Simply Better Bandwidth 602-770-JLF1 - Cellular, ICQ: 8137851 See My Certifications: It seems like on Sun, Oct 15, 2000 at 10:46:47PM -0700, scribbled: Orig Msg> Orig Msg> But for a packet to reach JLF's 2.0.35 kernel, it Orig Msg> must first survive the 37 layers of minefields, Orig Msg> flamethrowers, anti-personnel^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hacket Orig Msg> devices, machine gun emplacements, nerve agents... :) Orig Msg> Orig Msg> Orig Msg> D Orig Msg> Orig Msg> * On Mon, Oct 16, 2000 at 12:48:36AM +0000, George Toft wrote: Orig Msg> > Orig Msg> > "J.L.Francois" wrote: Orig Msg> > > Orig Msg> > > The next time someone says Linux can't hang show them this. Orig Msg> > > This is a SparcClassic with 32MB RAM serving WWW pages Orig Msg> > > and my Sparc test platform. Orig Msg> > > Obsolete hardware to everyone but me. Orig Msg> > > Orig Msg> > > I wanted to get this out before I have to start turning equipment Orig Msg> > > off to mount in imy refrigerator converted to server cabinet. Orig Msg> > > Orig Msg> > > Woops, gotta go and reboot my wifes Win98 desktop, again. Orig Msg> > > Orig Msg> > > ============================================== Orig Msg> > > Linux heirophant 2.0.35 #1 Wed Feb 17 20:37:03 CET 1999 sparc unknown Orig Msg> > > 5:55pm up 406 days, 6:57, 1 user, load average: 0.04, 0.01, 0.00 Orig Msg> > Orig Msg> > Uptime is nice, but I hate to see uptime over 150 days - it shows that Orig Msg> > the kernel has not been updated against various exploits. The 2.0.35 Orig Msg> > kernel is about three years old, and I'm pretty sure there are some remote Orig Msg> > compromises up to the 2.2.13 kernel. Maybe the sparc kernel is different? Orig Msg> > Orig Msg> > Feel free to correct me if I am wrong. Orig Msg> > Orig Msg> > George Orig Msg> > --- Orig Msg> > Compared to Linux, working with the Windows desktop is like performing Orig Msg> > gymnastics in a strait jacket. Orig Msg>