Well up until last night my Alpha box was doing great with an uptime in excess of a year and now, thanks to a brief power loss (less than half a second) it now will no longer boot. It appears, from output from milo, that the filesystems are hosed. I guess I'm gonna have to wipe the drive out and start over. Maybe try debian instead of RH. Too bad I don't have enough UPSes for the whole house (more than a dozen systems in 5 rooms). > The next time someone says Linux can't hang show them this. > This is a SparcClassic with 32MB RAM serving WWW pages > and my Sparc test platform. > Obsolete hardware to everyone but me. > > I wanted to get this out before I have to start turning equipment > off to mount in imy refrigerator converted to server cabinet. > > Woops, gotta go and reboot my wifes Win98 desktop, again. > > ============================================== > Linux heirophant 2.0.35 #1 Wed Feb 17 20:37:03 CET 1999 sparc unknown > 5:55pm up 406 days, 6:57, 1 user, load average: 0.04, 0.01, 0.00 > > USER TTY FROM LOGIN@ IDLE JCPU PCPU WHAT > root ttyp1 chariot.inhouse 5:54pm 0.00s 1.27s 0.22s w