On Fri, 13 Oct 2000 sinck@ugive.com wrote: : \_: There must be a way to get this info, without either sucking the whole : \_: site down, or having access to the webserver? : \_: : \_: Anyone have any ideas, suggestions, etc.? : \_ : \_ lynx -dump -head $URL | grep Content-Length | cut -d: -f 2 : : Hum, this could lead to amusing issues if it hits a cgi script (or : other) that doesn't play nice with issuing Content-Length. You bring up a good point. Keep in mind this was a suggestion to help get Wes started, not a complete solution. : Furthermore just getting the head doesn't tell you what else might be : linked to it down the tree. Huh? Are you saying sizeof(Content-Length) != sizeof(website). That's kind of restating the obvious, isn't it? I kind of presumed Wes would understand the fragment had to be looped, called recursively, whatever; and also called only if certain conditions he designed were met, like your comment regaring CGI. --Eric