Am 09. Oct, 2000 schwäzte Ed Cernek so: > Hello PLUGgers > > I tried all day yesterday (Sunday) to ftp the RH7 iso's from RedHat. I > think I tried about four times from a combination of W98 and RH6.2 > boxes, using several different ftp programs. In all cases I used > and cox@home. In all cases the outcome was the same: it > would smoke along at about 120kbps until I had transfered about > 400Mb-450Mb. Then it would gradually slow down until I had about > 500Mb-550Mb whereupon it would become unusably slow, essentially zero. I > never was successful. Any ideas? For those who are getting isos and other large images, please use ncftp or something else that can properly resume a session, e.g. only goes and gets what's not already there. Just installed wget ( apt-get kicks :) and it's man page says it does this too. See "-c --continue-ftp" in the wget man page. ciao, der.hans -- # # Science is magic explained. - der.hans