Help my RH 6.2 has gotten screwy. I'm running on a AMD K3 333 w/ 98 M of memory. its a dual boot machine but I never run window anymore. Anyway here are my problems. Firsts I can't log in as anything but root now. No error mesgages; just flickers and ask for my login name again. for somereason my inet and network servece aren't starting on reboot (what log file should keep track of that?) I can manual start them however so that doesn't really bother me that much but I'm afaird its a simptom of the problem. X has a footprint of 63Ms (that can't be right....RIGHT???). I'm running Helix-Gnome with Enlightenment (btw anyone have any url's comparing sawfish vs. enlightenment?). I've been running Mozilla 17 at lot and I was concerned that it just wasn't releasing threads but rebooting the machine should have taken care of that right??? (yeah I tried kill -9 first but it didn't seem to work). If anyone has *any* idea why this is happening I'd be greatful. Carl Parrish webmaster