Please forward me a copy of that Font tarball too, if possible. Also, uh, where do they go and how are they installed? I only have the following directories with fonts in them.. and I have a feeling that TrueType support might be my next big update to this box... /usr/X11/lib/fonts: misc 100dpi 75dpi PEX Speedo Type1 cyrillic Which reminds me.. I fixed my problem with glut.h after finding the GLUT libraries :) Turns out the person who wrote the readme on installing GLUT for Linux is working off a heavily modified Slackware 3 distribution! (Mine started as slackware 3, installed 3.1 over it, did everything after that myself..) Installation of glut was therefore rather straightforward for once (heheh) except for one of the programs references to the libs, which it expected to be one place, but was instead in another (just made a symlink, no problem there) -- jkenner @ mindspring . com__ I Support Linux: _> _ _ |_ _ _ _| Working Together To <__(_||_)| )| `(_|(_)(_| To Build A Better Future. |