Rod Roark wrote: > On Mon, 25 Sep 2000, Lucas Vogel wrote: > > > > I don't know about you guys, but I think Red Hat deserves credit for their > > work. I think it's a great idea. > Umm... they're going to give me a "managed stream of innovation"? > Dunno what that means, don't think I want to. Basically, it means they will be the ones deciding that its critical that you get that latest patch to wu ftp, but that you may not necessarily need that ultra-cool patch to sasteroids. Its doubtful many in a *LUG would need such services, but to those who do not understand the innards of the linux OS (or want to) such a service might in fact be critical, be it a small business that cannot afford (and doesnt need) their own sysadmin, or just a family that is sick and tired of getting micro$hafted up the rear... A constant stream of updates is even more important in a work of software created and maintained with open source. The idea of ever running such a thing on my own system is completely repulsive, but I acknoledge that I am very much a control-freak (the reason I loved linux the instant I first used it in December of 95...) and that most people arent, and furthermore, couldnt know how to be even if they wanted to. These people either need sysadmins or a package such as redhat offers (which isnt to suggest that it could ever replace a dedicated system administrator, although it may take a chunk out of the consulting market.) -- __ I Support Linux: _> _ _ |_ _ _ _| Working Together To <__(_||_)| )| `(_|(_)(_| To Build A Better Future. |