Below is the directory syncing script that I use to keep my sources synchronized between my local machine and a remote machine. In order to use it, you'll need to do at least two things: 1) Set REMOTE_SRC, LOCAL_SRC, and RSYNC_PATH to values appropriate for your situation. REMOTE_SRC should be of the form HostName:Path, where ``HostName'' is the name of the remote machine that you're syncing with and ``Path'' is the path (on the remote machine) to the directory being sync'd. LOCAL_SRC should be a pathname to a directory accessible via your local machine. (Note that Samba or NFS mounts are okay.) RSYNC_PATH should be the complete path to the rsync program on the remote machine. (On some of the machines I use, rsync is either located in a definitely non-standard place or else is so out of date that I've built my own version and installed it in ~/bin.) 2) Name it something appropriate, make sure it's executable, and place it in a directory on your PATH. E.g, I have one called sync-sourceware which syncs my checked-out gdb sources from with these same sources on one of the remote machines that I frequently use in Sunnyvale. I have other scripts which sync between my laptop and my desktop machines at home, etc. The only difference between these scripts is the settings of the three variables mentioned in (1) above. It uses SSH as a secure transport. Since (at least) two rsyncs are done, this would normally require entering your passphrase as many times as rsync is invoked. In order to avoid bothering the user to enter passphrase after passphrase, it attempts to use an existing ssh-agent. If none exists, it will create an agent and then invoke ssh-add which prompts you for your passphrase. Thus, you'll be prompted for the passphrase which unlocks your RSA key at most once. --- sync-sources --- #!/usr/bin/perl -w $REMOTE_SRC = ""; $LOCAL_SRC = "/path/to/local/sources"; $RSYNC_PATH = "/path/to/remote/rsync"; $ENV{RSYNC_RSH} = 'ssh'; my $nuke_agent = 0; if (!$ENV{SSH_AGENT_PID}) { my $agentdata = `ssh-agent -s`; die "Problem starting ssh-agent" if (!defined($agentdata)); my ($agent_pid) = $agentdata =~ /^SSH_AGENT_PID=([^;]*);/m; my ($agent_sock) = $agentdata =~ /^SSH_AUTH_SOCK=([^;]*);/m; die "Can't fetch ssh agent environment variables" unless defined($agent_pid) && defined($agent_sock); print "agent_pid=$agent_pid; agent_sock=$agent_sock\n"; $ENV{SSH_AGENT_PID} = $agent_pid; $ENV{SSH_AUTH_SOCK} = $agent_sock; system("ssh-add"); sleep(4); $nuke_agent = 1; } if (@ARGV) { foreach $arg (@ARGV) { sync_dir("$REMOTE_SRC/$arg", "$LOCAL_SRC/$arg"); } } else { sync_dir($REMOTE_SRC, $LOCAL_SRC); } system("ssh-agent -k") if $nuke_agent; sub sync_dir { my ($remote_src, $local_src) = @_; my $remote_dir = $remote_src; $remote_dir =~ s#/[^/]*$##; my $local_dir = $local_src; $local_dir =~ s#/[^/]*$##; system("rsync -avuz --exclude '*~' --rsync-path=$RSYNC_PATH $remote_src $local_dir"); system("rsync -Cavuz --exclude '*~' --rsync-path=$RSYNC_PATH $local_src $remote_dir"); } --- end sync-sources ---