I have a compaq m700 running RH6.1 on it. X would not work during the install, and it required me to install in text mode and then come back after words and set the /etc/lilo.conf linux entry with a flag of: vga=791 Once I did this, everything worked great. I grabbed down Helix and some other programs out there. The only thing I was missing was the sound module as maestro was not part of that distro. I downloaded and compiled 2.2.17. I was able to boot to it and get sound working. The problem is, X won't work. I have read everything I can on this, and it won't go. When I set that same vga line in lilo.conf on this kernel, I get nothing on boot up-- the screen displays nothing- though the hd churns. I have read that I need frame buffering turned on in the kernel to enable this thing to work. I am not sure where that parameter is located. I have recompiled this damn thing several times, with no success. The card is recognized, but it won't display correctly. I am sure it is the frame buffer. Can anyone help? __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send instant messages & get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger. http://im.yahoo.com/