\_ I'm looking for software that you can write text to and it will \_ speak(preferably in that robot voice) what you wrote. Something similar to \_ what Stephen Hawking uses... freshmeat: Festival, MBROLA, speechd There are RPMS floating around for most of those. David From Don Harrop Tue Sep 19 19:10:32 2000 From: Don Harrop (Don Harrop) Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 12:10:32 -0700 (MST) Subject: sendmail and root. In-Reply-To: <39C661D6.7A6ED86F@mindspring.com> Message-ID: I've actually got it all figured out. You right about setting From: in the custom header field. You also have to add a line "allow-changing-from=true" in your .pinerc file and recompile pine itself in order to have it accept that From: line.. I haven't done it yet myself but those are the steps in case anyone is interested. Don > > > If from a mail client, such as mutt, simply set > > > your "From: " header (and possibly "Reply-To: " > > > header) to whatever you want. > > > > What about pine? I can't find a From: header field.. > > You can set that as a custom header in PINE (create the From: header). > > However, PINE is setup to automatically send mail from > USERNAME@SPECIFIEDDOMAIN. So if your email doesnt match your lcoal > username, PINE is a bitch to configure...